show me how I can show you, that I'm blinded by your light
My dearest xuanee lent me her classical guitar today! :D (gosh I'm koping photos from the net again D:)
So this marks my FIRST day of learning the guitar, I know nothing much about it so I'm gonna have to search the internet for chords and everything.
My goal is to play "love to be loved by you" and we'll see how long that'll take! I'm currently learning the basic chords and my fingers are already quite red D: Think I'll play a little while more, bathe and sleep so I'll have enough sleep for tomorrow's run!
(this would be nicer photo if it were a girl HAHA)
Anyway, we had band today. I think we're gonna play Concerto D'amore soon :D. OH, I got a flute upgrade today, it sounds nicer! Still need to practice the running notes though. But so far I guess its going fine. Well I guess.
Gosh, my moonlight sonata movement 3 is still... nevermind. 4th page ROFL. Maybe I'll whack that song after promos, and hopefully be able to play more guitar chords by then LOL.
as for Art... we're gonna do a terribly difficult still life. The set up is really intimidating with a glass bottle and clogs from a difficult angle D: As for the photography ideas, the OTHER (not so good and actually kinda lame) idea got accepted cause the other one's too complicated to do on photoshop. Nvm JESLIN THE INFERTILE WOMAN, I liked your idea alot! :)
btw, terie gave me (it was actually meant to be a surprise) a wonderfully CUTE diy spongebob made out of a milk carton!! Creative or what, I really really love it! (and all diy stuff hehe). and I must say, its seriously nice!!! :D THANKYOU :D (if you're reading)
Xuanee got me a note and a keychain too! That's part one haha! :D Okay hurray for belated birthday gifts. My birthday felt SOOOOO long ago when its actually only a month.
I'll be crossing all my fingers and toes, hopefully I can go beyond 13 km! If I don't... well I guess 10 km is already alot! :D Anyway I've been lazy during PE so it wouldn't be too surprsing HAHA.
Thursday, July 30, 2009
You gave me nothing and now its all I got
Three days since I've last updated. Feels pretty long for a person who used to blog every single day, huh.
There are loads of things I have to do, uploading photos for the band chalet, transferring stuff to the external hardrive, homework, art, tests, pw etc. etc. Everything's driving me crazy. But I've got to say, I think I've at least found much more motivation to study :]
Glenda and I studied at the library today, and its our very first time studying since the midyears two plus months ago. The last time we tried to study, we ended up talking in the infinity room and you know I can't study at home... Think we were there for around 2 hours, its enough to make both of us feel accomplished haha! :D
So we walked around the school and decided we're serious slackers so its time to get to work now! Hah I'll be a mugger to make up for my super slackish days. Well, we did waste half an hour walking about doing something I wanted to do. HAHAHA.
School's better now, sleep really does make me a happier person. High, to be exact. Guess what I'd be doing in school at 715 tomorrow on a late friday? HAHA. Oh, btw, I got marked late 2 times again. -__-
Sorry for not uploading my own photos again, I'm too lazy to search for stuff. Besides, I don't have time. Lets wait for the weekends to arrive.
Until then, I'm gonna have to look for pictures and inspiration for art.
Does this remind you of some photo I've posted a few months ago?
He looks abit like a girl, but that's besides the point. I like the apple.
Saw this somewhere, I forgot where.
I'm currently hooked onto rock songs! I still want to hear THAT version of "time is running out", remember the evoke competion? :] I should find more songs from muse, and amaranth isn't a bad song either. There are far too little songs by Queen in my computer, hunting time!
Byebye I promise the next post wouldn't be so boring! (if not, I'll just not post anything!)
(WE'RE HAVING WILL RUN ON SATURDAY! I'll try to hit 13 km or more, if my legs don't fail me. Yes, you saw the words if!)
Monday, July 27, 2009
If you wanna falalalala with me then let's go
Somebody please buy/lend me a guitar!
(I wanted to use "have a go at it" until I realised.. its just wrong. LOL)
Nothing, just felt like learning how to play it like how I had a sudden interest in the flute/harp in sec 3 or something. Also because I can only think about classical music and more classical music when I'm in front of the piano most of the time, how strange.
I feel like I need some songwriting inspirtation! (sadly, I've never tried. Maybe I'll suck, who knows.) The guitar seems like a more.. "free and versatile" instrument, if you get what I mean. It won't hurt to learn something else!
This makes me feel warm, somehow. What smooth blending omgz.
Jack's guitar in the falala song video below is gorgeous!
they say people with smaller eyes can focus better and that, apparently, isn't true.
Took a day off cause my eyes are swollen like hell and my head hurts. (even after around 14 hours wth) At least it doesn't hurt as much.
My conversation with my form teacher went something like:
mdmt: Hello emma, why aren't you in school today? me: Huh??? (the call woke me up! D:) mdmt: You didn't oversleep did you? me: Huh, no, eyes very swollen. yah. Byebye. (goes back to sleep)
Still doesn't beat the time where I went "HUH??? I don't know.. byebye."
I'll try to complete most of my work and upload photos from the band chalet today.
Wait, there's no more space in my harddrive and I refuse to delete anything. I should just trust the external harddrive shouldn't I?
Here are some stuff I found:
Holy hell the jar of water is so damn real. Kudos to the deviantart artist, I love that place.
This might be my desktop wallpaper for awhile after I clean it up. & no, these aren't hexagonal shaped smarties!
I miss my proper & interesting picture posts (where I actually upload picture taken by myself and not just take them off the net). Maybe I'll play the piano after my work since there's nobody online and I'm lazy to sharpen my colourpencils.
Though its quite contradicting that I actually find joy in sharpening the pencils using the penknife. I'm actually proud of my penknife sharpened coloured pencils HAHA.
Its therapeutic.
Sunday, July 26, 2009
I feel like saying I miss Anglican High all of a sudden. It somehow sounds different from AHS.
& I don't know why I suddenly feel like saying that even though my mind isn't filled with all these thoughts. Its just that... the workload's making me dislike JC ):
Sorry, you know I'm random like that (:
No photos for the chalet because I haven't uploaded them
Band Farewell chalet wasn't bad at all!
We talked through the night (I did most of the listening), got 3 hours of sleep and the few of us walked to Ehub for lunch and sat down at teasire after that. We (seven of us) ordered two set meals and maybe two more additional drinks? The waiter kept hinting for us to go, we were there for more than two hours I think, LOL.
Reminds me of the time at cafe cartel where we survived on free flow bread plus a fries basket for so many hours HAHA.
The barbeque itself was fine, the only stuff I ate were a sausage, salmon stick, two satays and LOTS of rice, which explained why my stomach was growling in the middle of the night D:
Jeslin the infertile woman cooked most of my food, so I thanked her by accompanying her to the other costa sands resort. On our way back, we saw an Indian man staring at us and got so freaked out we RANNNNNN all the way back to the chalet. I'm not trying to be racist, it was just really dark and scary! ):
Also, I'm glad I got to talk more to some people. I'm surprised I don't seem that anti-social HAHA. There's something about me, I'll give you LOONNNGGG answers when you ask me a question, but if you don't, I'll just keep quiet and listen like last night (morning). and then I'll end up really bored and start to talk again. Okay what logic is this.
Vivian and I wrote stuff on the notebooks and wrapped the presents up on the buses and at the chalet, nic couldn't go!! (D:) I played some lame games with a circle of people and those include simon says and concentration and truth or dare (which never really worked).
HAD THE BEST MEAL IN AGES AT AL FORNO WITH YAHUI AND MY FAMILY FOR DINNER!! You MUST try that at least once in your lifetime, everything there's just fantabulous.
Shall end this with a song: (its really catchy!)
Jack and Rai - The Fa La La Song.
"take me as I am" is addictive too, but they haven't released it yet D:
Friday, July 24, 2009
Photoshop can just kill itself for being so irritating! (esp. when there's time constraint)
1am and I've just started on the editing, EBP is still on so I've got to reach school at 715 even though its a late friday;
I spent alot of time doing still life today cause I can't talk and paint at the same time, stayed in school till 7 plus with a TERRIBLE gastric. Result of eating only potato wedges, milk and sarah's TUNA sandwich the entire day. D:
New resolution: Learn to Eat+talk/paint+talk at the same time.
We found a new waxing tape in the art room today, painless and inexpensive LOL. Those kind of wiring tape works well, although it sounds mighty gross. JUST FOR FUN LA. Been singing and laughing like a mad person while the rest were having MT listening compre. Kay there were some jokes too. MJ's ABC and Ben got stuck in our heads for ages, guess what, ITS STILL SWIMMING AROUND IN MY HEAD.
I obviously don't miss LC, but somehowI miss chinesea teeny bit.
Band farewell chalet @ pasirris (coasta sands I THINK) tomorrow, I'd be staying over so seeyou on saturday! (hopefully this blog would be more interesting by then)
Must buy tuna tomorrow on saturday!
Wednesday, July 22, 2009
Nothing too interesting, at least its not emo!
As you would've gussed, I'm not being stupidly emo anymore! Its not like my life's much better, its the same actually. I didnt' get emo for nothing, but I've gotten over those stuff already (for now, at least!). So yup, sorry again for being so pessimistic and whiny and complain-y and all, thanks for all your cheer-up messages too!
Alright, so the teacher(s) found out about our classcopying work. We "shared" all our gp compre answers, gp teacher complained to year head, and now we're dead. (HEY IT RHYMES) thing is, they probably have my name too.
I do like our GP relief teacher, she's another one from VJ (I've been getting many VJ relief teachers since sec 1) and her lessons are interesting, but ... Okay maybe younger teachers are all idealistic and tend to get more disappointed, hmm. Makes me feel bad for her when I think this way, shall try to do my work! (SOMEBODY MAKE ME CONCENTRATE!!)
Geog tutorial will be done on my own (I'll try!), will not make ms teo sad (that hasn't happened yet), and heck gp for the moment. Well okay, I'm gonna try to push gp up to a C or B? Better start doing my gp journal writing and all the stuff I've conveniently left out LOL.
Righto, we had cca today and I haven't played my flute in ages! Guess what, we played the national anthem haha.
While most would be doing the MT Listening Compre tomorrow afternoon, I'll be painting that still life, my working speed is awfully slow ): Damn, I don't even have time for my visual journal these few days! D:
one. more. thing. I HATE USING PHOTOSHOP ITSIRRITATING, ANNOYING, and IRRITATING. Also, I don't have any ideas for that surrealistic photography work yet screw!!
(these pictures are not from today's eclipse)
BYE, before i fall asleep right after I bathe again. and i'm catching the eclipse on tv later
Tuesday, July 21, 2009
Apologies for the very emo posts below, but there's seriously something wrong with me lately and I don't know why!
This week's gonna be a loooonnnng one.
Sunday, July 19, 2009
Silky Sulky girl
Gosh, I always end up whining/sulking/complaining over the phone and everywhere, but there isn't anyone else to listen to them, so if you're one of them feel honoured HAHA. Okay, actually you should be irritated, but maybe my shoes are too tiny so you can't fit into them.
I just realised that map would look nicer on your belly (especially if you have a beer belly) haha! Of course you can't say meaningful stuff like "I've got the whole world on my shoulders", but it does look like a sphere afterall!
Better still, you go get it when you're pregnant. Then it'll get all saggy when the baby's out LOL.
There was HSM on Disney channel today and it reminds me of the play we did last year! Retarded shows do leave you with the greatest memories afterall. Mr Bean makes me :D!
words unspoken
Nothing ever comes out of my mouth when I want to do dedications or say something I really mean to somebody. Like just now. Everything only comes to me when I get home, and then I'll never get the chance to say those words ever again.
Kaiying, ash and I went for supper after the julyian birthday bash just now, I ended up complaining alot about life in school even though its the first time we talked in... how many months?
Can't find a song to suit my mood, again. I'll go draw or something while waiting for my hair to dry.
I really think I'm too cold towards everybody, even my best friends. Sorry.
Saturday, July 18, 2009
She carries the whole world on her shoulders
I see Singapore!! Now wouldn't that be cool for her to add that pin on whatever place she's been to? Or maybe add in the seven wonders of the world. Then you'll realise how small things are on the map.
Then you realise you're not even a speck of dust on the planet. There are 6 billion others just like you, its impossible to change the world. All you can do is to change someone's world, and I hope somebody would do the same to mine.
Like, change.
I want drastic changes next year. Classes and all.
I didn't know people feel bad when I don't talk to them. Its just that I keep getting stuck in my own world lately, I don't think about striking conversations or whatsoever.
To my friend who keeps asking me out (but I keep rejecting), I'm really sorry, don't feel bad, its just that I reach home at 7 or even later everyday, I just want to stay at home and not move at all.
To the other friend who's in the same (similar) boat as me, lets hang on together k! We don't talk as much but at least we understand what's happening don't we ): I've resorted to not caring about what they think anymore, so I just do/say whatever I want. Whatever I want, since they wouldn't be talking to me at other times anyway.
My life's about... school and staying at home lately. Making it a point to practice some sketches everyday, yahui's helping me with maths every sunday, my brother's willing to help me with econs. I'll try to find time for geog (haven't being doing that for ages)... (anyway, thanks yahui and my brother for yesterday :D)
and my friends. This one's difficult since we're all in different schools and there isn't a day where I can lunch/dinner with you guys or something... please give me time to work everything out, okay? ):
One last thing, the school should stop treating us like secondary school kids. Trying living with us for a day and you'll get what I mean.
People who blog are usually emotionally unstable, and I guess that's true to a certain extent. Somehow blogging (and taking it down after half an hour) just works. Like miraculously, lol.
Thursday, July 16, 2009
blank expressions
Today, I felt like I was just a character in a story, and didn't have a mind on my own.
The feeling's complicated, hard to explain, but it got me confused.
After school, something didn't feel right;
I combed the entire mall for something to lift up my spirits, but I found nothing. Not anything from kiddy palace (usually works). Not anything from those japanese food fairs. Nothing from those accessory stores.
Retail therapy works, but only if you're able to find something your soul needs at that time.
So I thought I'd go to seven-eleven to get a few of those mr. men capsules (they have smiles on them), but those didn't work either. The sales assistant asked me to look after the shop for awhile but I didn't feel anything.
It was a sudden decision to get myself a few fishes or something, they were a pretty pair of fighting fishes in the deepest shade of red; and blue.
It made me smile. Now they're swimming in a jar with food still floating around.
and I hate to see people come and go;
what on earth am I doing? There's nothing I want,
nothing at all.
I'll end with a song that made my day a little brighter: (although its not a happy song at all)
Nice chinese songs are rare now, and I'm sure I won't ever hate this song.
林憶蓮 - 至少還有ä½
I fell asleep on the couch for 6 hours (or i think it was more) while watching tv. Again. (its 5am now!)
My eyes really hurt like crap and they make me so tired everyday. I'm not even wearing contacts anymore (those things kill me after around 6 hours or so, its impossible for school) The only thing that might be able to force me to use the computer less is the pain in my eyes. Stupid.
Life's pretty mundane and I don't know what shit I should do about my econs and maths. I figured its not possible for me to just count on Geog, Art and GP for promos just like I did for the mid years. I just don't know where to start.
There's alot on my mind but my fingers refuse to type.
Nevermind, I'll remain secretive until there's a need to blurt things out.
Tuesday, July 14, 2009
Going back to school feels rather nice, afterall.
Saturday, July 11, 2009
not in the best of moods
The stupid cough pisses me off. Being sick pisses me off.
I thought I was close to recovery in the morning, so I didn't take the cough medicine cause I didn't want it to make me drowsy
and now my throat is hurting again, I have an irritating cough but I can't get the phlegm out, my nose was runny and not its blocked.
I've just started on my observational studies but I'll probably fall asleep soon cause there wasn't any choice but to take that icky cough syrup.
and I also get irritated when I don't get my drawings right.
In the midst of my anger, I crushed a piece of paper within a second just now and threw it to the other side of the table. That action didn't seem shocking to me until I realised what I had done.
Crushing paper is nothing bad or shocking in particular, but that spontaneous action of my hand just grabbing and crushing anything without thinking AT ALL, IS shocking.
Better get a hold of my emotions now before it makes me any sicker, if there's even scientific prove for that.
and because this is my ranting space,
ARGH!!!!!!! @#$*&^* &@ I reckon other words would make my ranting experience even better.
I shan't try.
(I must say, ranting here works well)
Friday, July 10, 2009
Bye bye fever! (at least for now)
Good morning! I'm in front of the computer while you all are having lessons! (I'm sure you all rather have lessons though, its B-O-R-I-N-G here)
I'm feeling much better now, but I seem to be allergic to tamiflu?! Half an hour after I had my first tablet yesterday, I started to feel SERIOUSLY nauseous and that feeling only went away 4 hours later. Before I slept, my heartbeat was much faster than usual then I discovered my tongue turned white (if you get what I mean) and every freaking thing tasted SALTY (wth). So my stomach hurt abit but I don't know if its cause I'm hungry or its the nausea. -.-
Then i woke up this morning feeling a whole lot BETTER (:D), until I discovered my left arm's muscles hurt like shit. The cause for that is unknown but its okay, I'll blame everything on tamiflu HAHAH.
(btw do you know those 10 tablets cost around 50 bucks?!)
Anyway, I read that piece of paper (whatever you call that) in that box and here's a quote "In a total of 1887 patients... ...the most frequently reported adverse events were nausea and vomiting. These events were transient and generally occurred with first dosing. ..... Three patients withdrew because of nausea and the same number withdrew because of vomiting."
Explains. -__-
Apparently studies have shown that teenagers suffer more from those side effects, and after yesterday's scary experience I'm not gonna take it again. Nope D:
Besides those, all's still well I think. Fever's gone (at least for the past 8 hours), no sore throats (although I sound like a freaking FROG. Don't try to call me!!!). Still have a white tongue and screwed up taste buds plus irritating muscles that feel cramped, but I'm up here typing away on the computer 8D Wait, my chest area still hurts, I'm coughing & I feel cold brrrr. THIS IS SO CONTRADICTING, LOL.
One more thing, I'm really thankful to have my mom and brother by my side cause they make me feel so loved (L)
Even though my brother goes "NO DON'T ENTER MY ROOM, YOU SHOULD BE QUARANTINED, GO BACK TO YOUR OWN ROOM!!!" everytime I try to kpo around, he acually took a cab home late at night and bought isotonic drinks for me (he couldn't find glucose powder) when he heard about my accelerated heartbeat. Awwww.
My mom sacrificed alot of her time just to be by my side like, 24/7. Like really. She's always checking on me (even at night), cooks all sorts of stuff (like icky luo han guo and chuan bei xue li tang and porridge for every single meal), and just show alot of concern. She went down just to get strepsils for me, and she just left the house to buy some parsley and fish to cook some kind of soup. 妈妈真伟大!There's so much more I want to say, but I don't know how to put it across clearly.
It was damn funny when I went home in the morning on wednesday, I didn't call to tell her, thinking she'll find out once she reaches home. When i woke up at 11 and appeared in front of my brother's room where they both were talking, they had the shock of their lives HAHAH. She obviously didn't check my room cause she didn't think I'd be there.
But when I'm home, she'll keep checking on me, so that shows how much she cares doesn't it? :3
and thanks everybody for your concern too, I really appreciate it. :)
Lets do some tag replies then.
7 ken: LOOLLLL EMMSSSSS hahha so much time play!! {CAUSE... okay I've got no excuses I'm too much of a lazy ass! D:}
8 Chris: we arent allowed to go sch if got mc... {well, I didn't go in the end..}
9 Ray other: get well soon! {thankyou :D}
ken: 39.8 ?!?!?!?!?!? thats CRAZYYY {it surprisingly doesn't feel that bad when you're the one with that gay temperature, all you feel is the burning sensation LOL. Too dizzy to know anything @.@}
yihao: dude 39.8 degrees are you sure you are still alive? go sleep man. {yes unfortunately. Slept too much until my neck and shoulders hurt like shit already D:}
anna: oh goodness what happened to you! that is a very very high fever yknow. take care! {Actually I also don't know what happened!! Just suddenly got sick like that O: Thanks! (for the email too hehe :D}
Ya-ya-yah - Sekai ga hitotsu ni naru made
This song makes me smile whenever I listen to it, and the video makes it even better! DON'T YOU AGREE THOSE CUTE LITTLE BOYS ARE SO SO SO FREAKING ADORABLE???
The first boy looks alot like my brother when he was young (yes he was a pretty kid), and the second boy (called Akama) who sang (STARTING 1:20) has a beautiful voice :D
I love these cute and simple songs haha :D
Actually, I shouldn't be typing away. Time to catch up with my work!
Shall start with geog and art.
Maybe after a nap, I'm still very very tired :/ Must be the cough syrup.
Thursday, July 09, 2009
My neck and shoulders feel extremely STIFF from too much sleeping D:
All I do now is to eat and sleep and take medicine, life is so boring when you're sick at home!
The temperature was 39.8 this morning, but I'm much better now after taking the medicine. I went to another doctor today and he gave me 6 kinds of medicine, and Tamiflu is one of them. Just the name itself sounds scary, but no, I don't have H1N1.
Anyway, my mom had to pay 88 bucks for the medicine plus consultation. Imagine all the stuff I could have bought!
I don't know what happened to "I'm definitely going (to school) on friday, I don't care", the doctor says I'm not supposed to go to school (and there's an MC).
My art class friends will be meeting up soon, ahh I just missed all the fun cause of this stupid flu! D: Stupid, stupid flu.
Wednesday, July 08, 2009
The school sent me home cause I've got a fever. I had to wear a friggin' mask in school.
The doctor gave me 3 days' MC but I'm definitely going on friday, I don't care. I better get well tomorrow, meeting up with my art class friends tomorrow whee :]
Shit I haven't collected my O'level cert and testimonial.
Tuesday, July 07, 2009
Today would've sucked big time if not for the last period!
We went around the school in half an hour trying to take photos for the given 3 themes, it was :D! We got to critic each other's works, but most of it was done by the sadistic ms k (she said it herself haha!)
The themes were: Bitterness & Sweetness; Tranquility & Chaos; Security & fear. I went around with Sarah during that half an hour, and when we got back Syairah and I started taking photos of our little miss sunshine and little miss shy (with all sorts of weird poses). Cheap thrills I say!
Well anyway, I got SO flustered this morning I kinda broke down (so sorry to those who saw it and those who heard me whining about all my undone work) Well, it was really terrible then, lucky we had the 2 hours to do art corrections during PW!
I didn't start on my visual journal yesterday, but I drew some stuff on a blank piece of paper during maths lecture (it was that boring) :D
Here they are.
Not very nicely taken but I seldom take photos with a given theme so I shall just upload some of them. Take a guess, they all come in pairs. (some of them don't link that well, but ah. and you can only choose from the 3 anyway)
The random ones:
I just realised this one looks more creepy than ever!
this one has my arm in it! Just pointed the camera at our linked arms, so I took the one above later on.
remember the photo of the guy digging algae above? He's THAT tiny from the 4th storey! I guess that explains why the above photo is so blurred. MEGA ZOOMED IN.
Just the watercooler. Actually I should be the one tiptoeing!
and now for the cheap thrills..... LOL
ring around the rosies, our poket full of posies.... achoo achoo they all fall down
well last one's self explanatory :D
I'll upload photos for Sunday's really random photos @ esplanade and the blindfold fish & co. birthday celebration after I complete my work! :D
typing maniac tired from typing out the EOM
My eyes hurt like shit but I can't sleep. CAUSE I'VE GOT WORK TO DO.
Oh I had fun playing typing manic on facebook with my brother before I went to sleep. More like
me = typing, brother = shouting "commands"
I played that game for the first time last night. Know why?
HAHAHA. Now I'm a 17th stage typer (who died after typing in "ice" when I was supposed to use the "fire" power)
Okay so noob HAHAHA.
Monday, July 06, 2009
This is a locked journal entry
I wish I could read all locked, secret and privatised blogs cause they make you go "how I wish I could express myself like that too". (well okay, some of them)
It sucks when everything's just stuck in my head but I can't express those thoughts the way I want to. Until I'm able to do that, I'll remain as the hyperactive puppy people think I am.
Wouldn't it be great to have some sort of USB cable from your brain to the computer, dump all sorts of thoughts you have and let people download them (locking it first, of course) so they'll know exactly what you're thinking?
transferring information from brain to D drive... 2 minutes remaining.
I would've drawn a picture if I had the time, but nooo, homework kills you.
It kills your creativity, it kills your thoughts, your random musings. It kills everything in you.
(It kills the trees too, but it doesn't matter to me right now)
Tell me, why'd you have to go and make things so complicated?
This shit is cool. Don't you think its cool that such a serious sentence is moving around so... p. l .a. . y . f u. . l.l .y?!
When on earth can you take somebody seriously and when can you not? Sometimes you really care about things but people think you do not, while at other times you simply do not care but people think you're just pretending not to.
Words can be such nasty things.
To whom it may concern
I'm sorry I always don't try to make an effort to reply or turn up for events, or don't try to make time for little random meetings.
It may seem as though I don't give a shit anymore, but that's not true at all. I thought people could stay close forever just by still acknowledging (in your heart) that the person is still somebody you love very, very much. Apparently that isn't true, that's naive thinking. I guess we all need to put in effort into things called relationships.
Or maybe its just a changed me (which I hate alot), because I'm much more straightforward, self-centered and inconsiderate. That's not the old me, but no matter how much I reflect everytime I get back home, I'll still end up doing the same things again.
I know it comes from me wanting to do whatever I like, having no restrictions and not trying to care too much about things (I cared far too much in the past), but that's about it, and I don't know how to improve on those yet.
Maybe its time for even more reflection, because nothing's clicking yet.
Please sms or im me or something after you all see this (at least I know that you know).
Sunday, July 05, 2009
The Fish & co. blindfolding birthday surprise post is still undone, but its alright, that doesn't sound that interesting anyway.
I'm currently totally digging into this site: (click!)
They have they best tips for making bentos and such; and check this out, there's actually a standard size for bento lunch boxes according to your height?! Guide to choosing right size (click!)
1A07 MIGHT be having some bring-your-lunchbox-day, I don't know if that day will ever come, but we were talking about it randomly the other day and it sounds fun doesn't it!!
Well, If I had enough time, I'd love to make something like this:
unfortunately, i won't have the time and patience (and such BIG sheets of seaweed!!)
Secondly, I'm gonna promise myself to NOT spend so much time for the internet.
I'm gonna start avisual journal(staring with markers and ink, pencil sketches shall wait. Maybe next month), and that's inspiration from xiner (I wonder if she's reading this haha!)
See, i've been wasting TOO much time on the internet and its TOTALLY depriving me of my art + music time. So yeah, visual journal starting monday.
I also have a horrible stye on my eye, they're these pimple-like things on the inner lids of your eyes and they hurt. Like grains of sand on your eye or something. Thus, I may or may not go to church tomorrow, depending on how bad it will be. Kaiying had those loads of times, but I need to go out in the afternoon.
The art chums and I might be going out on a photoshoot outing after collecting the canvases from NAFA, since we're having our photography module really soon. I don't know how we're supposed to lug the canvases around while taking photos, but we'll figure that out somehow. Hopefully that outing will still be on!
Its 1:15 am now, and I should really get some rest before the stye gets worse.
I hope I'll dream of these (L)
Saturday, July 04, 2009
Coolest Starbucks Tumbler!
Seems like there isn't time for me to blog today, so the photos shall wait.
Thanks to the girls, I now have the coolest starbucks tumbler on earth, it looks exactly like the starbucks cup (complete with the green straw), grande size, but made of hard plastic. I'm sure you would've seen it in some starbucks outlet. Some cool shit they have now eh 8D
I've checked the net, this thing is inded double-wall insulated (took us long enough to try figuring it out). So it keeps your hands dry, how convenient is that?! The lid is a screw-top and I still find the green straw pretty cute.
And you know what I'll do?
I'll make my own chocolate iceblended and bring the cup there so I won't have to buy any drinks while studying. HAHA. Wait, I heard starbucks does give discounts for bringing your own tumblers right? :D
Okay, but that thing is so cute it made me keep wanting to drink water, so I've got around a litre of liquid in my tummy now. Need to pee anytime soon, hahaha.
Friday, July 03, 2009
Okay, erm, hi?
Kaiying here & Emma asked me to blog about today. I think I lost my blogging skills though. Right she just called me a lit pro. K if I screw this up and it's not interesting don't blame me. Oh whatever I should just shut up and start blogging.
Okay I know what I'm going to do I'm going to do this in timeline form. Makes it easier, no?
140pm Was waiting for the train. Called Emma's house in hope that her mum would pick up so that I can inform her that we are going to surprise Emma ltr and ask her to not cook dinner. But our dear princess picked up instead and I had to think of some lame questions to ask her so that she won't suspect anything. Conversation ended when train came & I met up with Ashley and we headed to town.
315pm Decided to try calling again. So Ashley called Emma's handphone and striked up some lame conversation while I called her house phone! So yes, her mum picked up and we talked and all.
355pm Walked around F21 and bought a dress. Saw a pair of yellow bows at the cashier and bought them for our birthday girl!
5pm Reached Tampines. Headed to Starbucks to buy the Starbucks cup lookalike bottle. But it was sold out! So we called Alicia to buy it from the suntec outlet. Then we took like around ten pieces of starbucks tissue and headed to frolick. Bought a original cup B with chocolate topping! Saw a AHS chinese teacher marking her work there. We were shredding the tissue while eating froyo. Don't judge us k.
538pm Headed down to Diva. There was a pet food sale infront of Diva and Ashley bought a crocodile treat for kitkat. Yea. So anyway, we bought necklace and a charm bracelet for Emma thr. (I'm getting bored of blogging HOW DO YOU BLOGGERS DO IT EVERYDAY.)
610pm Met Alicia at the mrt and she passed us the cup. Stuffed all the tissue, bows, necklace and bracelet into the cup. Took quite a long time okay. Then we went over to her house. We consists of siyun, annia, ashley and yours truly. Alicia went to walk around at T1 with her 4b fwenz.
625pm So we decided that Ashley should go up and blindfold Emma while the three of us wait downstairs. I have no idea what happened up there so I shall show you guys the smses that Ashley sent from upstairs.
649pm:'She wearing contacts now. And she rummaged through my bag and saw the water bottle. =.=' 651pm:'I didn't know. Was choosing clothes for her then she go see =.= yea wearing contacts now.'
Then five minutes later we heard shouts from the staircase and the two of them appeared! Emma blindfolded with an orange towel! Then Ashley and siyun were leading her toward tm while the two of us followed from a distance.
710pm (yes they took like twenty mins to walk to tm) Me and annia were sitting in Fish n Co, waiting for them to appear. Then they did and i dont know what happened but Emma walked into the 'Please wait we are fishing out seats for you (or something along that line)' stand. So obviously everyone was staring at the girl in the vintage dress with a orange towel around her eyes. Yea. And we kinda left her standing the the middle of the restaurant alone for awhile. Don't ask why. Then Ashley led her over and she took out the towel and we 'HAPPY BIRTHDAY!!!!' Then she :O and fell on Annia while attempting to cover her face LOL.
Then Alicia came! And we ordered SEAFOOD PIZZA, CORIANDER CREAM FISH, NEW YORK FISH N CHIPS, WHOLE LINE FISH, COKE TONIC AND PASSIONFRUIT SODA. Okay I'm not going to tell you the details of all the food except: I liked everything except the coriander fish it's gross ttm. But the rest liked it, so try it at your own risk. Oh apparently we were too greedy and asked for too many soda refills cause Annia said the waitress gave us a 'again?' face when we asked.
So we ate, talked, camwhored, decided that alicia's face is too big and she should not take photos with ashley and we drank alot of soda.
855pm Signaled the waitress (she was quite cool) and they did the birthday wrap thingy for emma! (And another small boy) Erm lets see, they did the fish n co birthday rap and we all sang the bday song, while the two of them held sparklers and wore quirky hats. And then they stood on the chair and blew out candles on the cake (Emma had 1, the boy had 7. Emma took four tries to blow hers out, the boy took once. LOL). All this happened in the middle of the restaurant!
So we yay and went back to eat the cake. Emma did whoknowswhat to the cake and it looked quite gross in the end hahah. And the bday girl force fed evryone cake! It was strawberry cheesecake btw, not bad (:
945pm Left, took a group photo infront of the restaurant! Emma and Annia took their signature hp wallpaper photos (:
And this night shall end with
We all left together happily ever after.
Okay my mission is accomplished! C U ARD xoxo
Its kinda late now and wow I realised this is a Realllyy long entry kudos to you.
My mommy's nagging nights thanks again guys (L) :D
Thanks girls, I had a WONDERFUL night. =D
I don't know why I'm so gullible or why I never suspected anything AT ALL, but I guess its better this way haha.
Thankyou for the wonderful notes, the presents, and the TRAUMATISING blindfolding experience. Ashley came to my house (as a surprise), asked me to try a dress on, blindfolded me with a BIG towel(which I willingly gave cause I thought she was gonna wash her face) and dragged me to Tampines mall Fish & co.
(Before that, they called my hp in the afternoon and then called my home number to ask my mom to keep it a secret, so my mom said "do your homework till 6, I'll bring you to the hokkaido fair after that", which left me totally unsuspicious)
When we reached Fish & co., I crashed into that podium thingy and everybody in the shop looked at me (that's what they told me). One of the waitresses poked me too (that's what I heard). Well, she was a really nice waitress =)
After the dinner, they made me stand on a chair IN FRONT OF THE WHOLE RESTAURANT, lighted a sparkler and sang the Fish & co. song for me. unfortunately, my memory stick was out of memory so there wasn't any videos on that. D: They even had me blow the candle 1 m away LOL. Okay that was a nice (but EXTREMELY embarrassing) fish&co. experience.
Alright, I THINK i'm gonna let them do the blogging for me, since i'd be quite weird with me going on about everything as the birthday girl right? Well, we'll see how it goes HAHA.
Maybe I'll regulate the photos first, cause nothing will turn out glam with ashley as the photographer. LOL!
Cheerios =D
There's one thing on earth I hate, and that's restriction.
These pictures are my personal favourites (espeically the first), and they're from the same artist
One look's enough to say why I like them so much, no?
The title's "redemption". The first word that came into my mind when I first saw this was
"ethereal". somehow.
"cell" I don't know why, but it reminds me of a mermaid evolving into a human (its underwater-ish)!
this one feels restricted, yet its not. Its all about the fabric (ugh forgot what's the name of it) and the model's pose I think. Everything here is so perfect hmm.
this one's from another photographer! Gives another sort of feeling, its like the girl is hesitating or trying to hide in the darkness and blocking the sunlight, not having enough courage to break free or something. At least that's what I see. Tell me if you see something else!
This reminds me of a runaway bride, lost and confused about life.
This one gives abit of a more "heavy" feeling, and its not like she's trying to break free or anything anymore. Somehow the face seems to say she's abit arrogant and the satin makes her look high and mighty.
Doesn't look dreamy at all even though the picture is filled with those flowy fabric huh?
A few picures still from the artist but totally different:
Does this remind anybody of Freya in chobits?!
I like this
I love this. (though not as much as the very first picture)